wRight Motivation
Charitable Projects, Inc.
Supporting Communities & Community

Truss Fastening

As the trusses are flipped, one at a time, they are secured at three points:  First each end to the sill plate, then at the peak to a temporary 2x4.  The sill plates are marked ahead of time (usually) at a 24" pitch, and we drive in a (minimum) 4" barn nail to keep the ends in place. Then the peak is then measured (24") from the previous truss, and secured to the temporary 2x4.   We usually do a level check, too, just to make sure everything is reasonably square.  Once started, this flipping-fastening task moves pretty quickly.  Note: the (peak) 2x4 is temporary, because once the sheeting is in place, it is no longer needed.

Note:  Here's why the truss "stress test" is so important.  One lucky guy gets to step from truss center to truss center to fasten the peak.  We're always cautious with each step, but confidence in the design and assembly goes a long way!




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