wRight Motivation
Charitable Projects, Inc.
Supporting Communities & Community

Matamoros 2010 - US & Juarez Crew

In this first picture, from right to left you see the US-Juarez crews combined. Jack, Josue, Jon (on his first trip), Angel and me (Andrew).  My dad, Paul, was taking the picture, but you'll see him in the next one, which was actually taken a day or two later at the farm in La Victoria.  Also in that 2nd picture, you'll see Angel's nephew Frederico - middle, behind jack. He's a very handy guy who owns a machine shop in Torreon, and thankfully decided to join us for this project.

The last picture is a solo of Angel, using the excellent air-stapler that sped things up nicely for building trusses as well as quick-tacking the roofing sheets.




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